All posts tagged vehicle problems

Left in the Dust? 3 Typical Vehicle Problem Indicators and What to Do About Them

vehicle indicator

One of the worst experiences to have is to be left stranded when your car breaks down. Manufacturers put warning lights in the computer systems of vehicles so that you can see a problem before it becomes a car stopper. These are three common warning lights and what they mean for your car’s future.

Tire Pressure

All newer vehicles have a tire pressure monitoring system that assesses the amount of air in the vehicle’s tires. If your TPMS light turns on, it means that you are losing air from one or several of your tires. Some systems will tell you the specific tire that has the problem, and others won’t. You must fill the tire or have it checked out so that the repair shop can fix it immediately.

This problem requires quick action because you can lose all of your tire pressure in a matter of minutes if the leak is bad enough. If you’re unsure if your tires need air, check the pressure with a tire pressure gauge. Tire pressure should never be just “eyeballed” unless completely flat.

Automatic Gearbox Light

Your automatic gearbox light has a little picture of a gear with an exclamation point inside of it. If you see this, it means that there is a serious problem with your transmission system. You could simply need to put fluid in your transmission, or you may have a more serious problem such as wear in the line, a broken flax plate or something else. You need to have your vehicle examined shortly after you notice any indicators. Grinding, shaking, burning smells, odd sounds, trouble shifting gears, and more are all signs of gearbox and transmission problems.

You could completely destroy your transmission if you continue to operate the vehicle as is. What you can do is visit your local transmission and gearbox repair specialists who have years of experience working on that specific part of the car. They can get your vehicle back to normal functionality quickly so that you can keep using it for your household.

Engine Oil

The engine oil light comes on when you either need to change your oil, or your car has lost a significant amount of oil. Lack of an oil change can leave dirty, sludgy oil in your car that can tear down its intricate parts. A lack of oil can completely seize your motor. Take your car to a repair shop immediately if you notice any leaks coming from your vehicle. Add a little oil right away if it’s low.

Now you know a few common lights that let you know if your car has problems. Tend to them immediately and prevent yourself from getting left in the dust.

image credit: Pixabay