When you are becoming a new driver you are probably only thinking about one thing and one thing only. Freedom. Being able to drive yourself wherever you want to go is very liberating, but what do you do when you vehicle breaks down and needs maintenance. With this freedom also comes responsibility. You have to take care of your car so it can keep giving you your much desired freedom.
As a teen driver, having your own vehicle can represent fun and freedom of motion; freedom to go out with friends and be away from the nest as you explore your community. Since many teen drivers tend to drive older vehicles that are purchased cheaply or are hand-me-downs from parents, though, you will need to learn how to take care of your car or you will likely have mechanical problems down the road. Here are the top areas to consider in taking care of your vehicle as a new teen driver.
Oil and Fluid Changes
Your car’s vital systems include engine oil, engine coolant and automatic transmission fluid that need to be changed over time. Ignoring these periodic maintenance steps can quickly lead to engine or transmission damage, so learn to change your car’s oil and fluids yourself or take it by the shop for periodic servicing. You don’t want to spend all of your money being a new driver are extensive car repairs. Make sure you are taking care of your car’s oil and fluids to make sure you are getting the most out of vehicle.
Tires: Changing and Rotation
A vehicle’s tires are its only point of contact with the road, and having a good set of tires is the most cost-effective modification you can do for safety and performance. Companies like Free Service Tire Company carry tires from Michelin, BF Goodrich, Goodyear and others, so inspect your tires with a penny to check for good tread life. If you line up Abraham Lincoln’s head with the groove in the tire and any of Lincoln’s head is obscured by the tire, your tread is worn out and it is time for a change. Your tires also need to be periodically rotated to ensure even tread life, which is also a good time for a technician to check for proper wheel alignment.
Brakes: Fix Now Or Pay Later
Any car needs a good set of brakes to ensure safety behind the wheel, but when your brake pads become worn and scored over time, you need to replace them or you will be looking at a big repair bill down the road. Brake rotors are much more expensive than the pads themselves, but you will not usually damage your rotors unless you let the pads go. Listen for a squeaking sound when you brake; this is the telltale sign that your pads are worn out and are in need of replacement.
If you would like to keep your freedom of mobility as a new teen driver, follow these steps to proper vehicle maintenance and know that no car will ever be trouble-free forever. The key is to tackle small issues as soon as they pop up to avoid big problems just down the road.