The most effective way to avoid car trouble is to keep your vehicle maintained. All of its many parts work together as one unit and when something needs attention, there could be a ripple effect throughout the vehicle. Staying on top of its condition by paying attention to these four areas will help keep it running trouble-free.
Nothing is as important as the condition and quantity of the engine oil. How often you need to check it depends on how much driving you and the kind. City driving is more stressful on the engine, and if you that’s the bulk of your driving, check it every other time you fill the gas tank.
Your car’s manufacturer may recommend when to change it, which may range between 3,000 to 6,000 mile intervals. Over time, oil breaks down and loses is lubricating properties. If it’s starting to get dark, it’s time to change it.
Air Filter
The air filter is another component that protects the engine. It keeps dust and dirt out of the engine where it can do serious harm. The experts in the service department of your Subaru dealership routinely check the air filter when you bring in your car. How often it needs changing depends on how dusty the driving conditions are. If you drive exclusively on paved streets and roads, you won’t need to replace the air filter as often as someone who also drives on unpaved surfaces. A dirty air filter won’t be able to provide enough air for engine combustion, which causes poor performance.
The battery is in plain sight in most vehicles and yet it’s so easy to ignore. Most batteries sold today don’t require additional water, but the battery terminals and cables do. The corrosion that builds can slow down the transfer of electricity into and out of the battery, which could lead to a dead battery or a stalled car. Whenever you open the hood, glance at the battery. If you see that there is a buildup of a white powdery substance on the terminals, remove it using baking soda and water or take it in for service.
Tire Pressure
Low tire pressure not only wears them out faster, it also decreases gas mileage. Look at the tires every day. If they seem lower than usual, check them with a pressure gauge, something you can find in the automotive section of big box or auto parts stores. The tires have the recommended amount of pressure stamped into their sides. Too much pressure isn’t safe, especially during the summer when the heat on roads builds. You could have a blowout at higher speeds.
Routine maintenance is a big part of owning a car. Without it, costly repairs will be more common and its fuel consumption will increase. The best way to keep operating costs low is to tend to the components on a regular basis.