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Car Tune-Ups Every Owner Should Know How to Do

Modern cars require much less maintenance than their forebears. Improvements in technology and build quality mean that most modern cars require minimal care, and outside of regular fluid changes and tire rotations, they are not very demanding.

But this can be a trap for the unwary: those who believe their car requires no maintenance may soon find themselves slipping and sliding their way to a hospital after their car crashes into a tree or suffers an engine failure on the highway. Fortunately, most common and simple maintenance can be done by anyone, even on modern vehicles.

Change a Tire

This is quite possibly the most important vehicle skill to have, and yet it is one drivers increasingly neglect, even when they know they will be traveling through areas not easily serviced. Every car is required to have some form of tire replacement or repair, and being familiar with how this is done is the difference between being stuck in the middle of nowhere and getting home safely.

Each car has instructions on how to use its jack to change a tire and it is a good idea to become familiar with them and change the tire at least once in ideal conditions, such as your driveway or garage. Groth & Associates also advise not to change a tire in a location that might cause you harm.

Change the Oil

While oil change locations have become increasingly common and increasingly inexpensive, changing your own oil will not only save you money, it will give you the opportunity to examine the engine bay and underside of your vehicle for wear, tear, and damage. Some cars offer adequate ground clearance for you to crawl under them for this task, while others will require you to use ramps. In either case, follow the instructions in your manual, and don’t forget to change the oil filter as well as the oil itself.

Change Bulbs

Next to speeding, the most common moving violation drivers are cited for is a burned-out bulb. Such burn-outs are not only a hassle, but they can also result in dangerous accidents when other drivers aren’t signaled to stop or turn. Every bulb in every vehicle is designed to be accessible, and a quick consultation of the manual will let you know how to get access to any bulb.

These basic skills will not only let you drive safer, but help you understand your car better, and take better care of it. They will also help you avoid expensive tickets and untimely breakdowns.