Driving has come a long way, so to speak, since the days of Henry Ford and his pioneering development of mass production automobiles. Ford embraced technology as an ally to help him attain his vision of average Americans being able to afford a car; since then, technology has shifted towards improving the overall driving experience. The following five innovations have been specially designed to make driving easier, more enjoyable and safer:
Backup Cameras
Throwing gears into reverse and assuming an awkward position of embracing the passenger seat and twisting your entire body while sitting down sounds like a complex yoga pose, but this is the reality of backing up without the benefit of a digital camera that lets you see exactly what is happening beyond the rear bumper of your car. The latest cameras even display the action on the rear view mirror to take advantage of the driving paradigm of glancing at the mirror to see objects behind you.
GPS Systems
Road navigation systems are often taken for granted these days, but there was a time when getting lost on the roads was a frequent and risky proposition. The best GPS application for automotive use are the type built into the dashboard infotainment unit, but even a mounted smartphone with the right mobile app can help these days.
Wireless Chargers
Smartphone integration with vehicles is only safe when it is done correctly. To this effect, modern wireless chargers do away with the risk of having to fumble with tangled cords while driving. Plus, some of them, like those from TYLT, are purposefully meant to be kept at the same level as the road as to prevent drivers from becoming too distracted.
Smart On-Board Diagnostics
The standard OBD II port in modern vehicles used to be reserved for auto technicians who operated expensive equipment to determine what the engine computer had to say about its condition. These days, smart OBDII scanners are affordable and can interface with mobile apps to let drivers and car owners know exactly what is happening to their engines, thereby making them better informed about the overall state of their vehicles.
Hands-Free Communications
Android Auto, Apple CarPlay and Microsoft Link are primarily designed to make driving safer by allowing drivers to control infotainment systems with their voices and not with their hands. As these smartphone integration standards become smarter, drivers can keep their hands on their steering wheels while they make phone calls, reply to text messages and retrieve information with their voice.
How many of the five above innovations do you currently have access to? Hopefully, you can now see what value that they can bring to your life and will take the necessary steps to invest in them. We all want to be safe on the road and by taking advantage of new technology, we can do just that.